HIPPA Compliance

HIPAA – HIPAA compliance can be expensive.  HIPAA violations can be more expensive. We take the guesswork out of compliance.  We know what it takes for you to be compliant and we can get you there all while you focus on what you do best.

Meaningful Use

Meaningful Use filing can be a nerve wracking experience.  IT is just a portion of Meaningful Use, but we can make it seem like a breeze.  Don’t get bogged down trying to file your Meaningful Use with guesses and estimations.  Let our staff give you the right information and guide you through the Meaningful Use process.


Medical Records are a highly protected necessary piece of effective medical treatment.  Having access to information immediately is vital in proper patient care. Just as important to access is the confidentiality of patient information.  We can help you establish policies for staff that protect patient information. From password policies to screensavers, we know the good and the bad of patient record security.

Security Awareness Training

You can have all of the latest antivirus and firewalls money can buy…without the right organizational culture, your systems are still at risk.  Don’t leave your staff vulnerable to phishing campaigns and viruses. Security awareness training provides a consistent expectation to your staff about how to properly safeguard patient information

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